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12 Types of Outsourcing

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 15 min read
Published November 30, 2023
Outsourcing. Image Credit: photo

Outsourcing is a popular practice in today's global business landscape. It involves delegating specific business functions or processes to external service providers. This strategic approach has gained significant attention as organizations seek to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and focus on their core competencies.

Listed below are the 12 types of outsourcing:

1. IT Outsourcing

IT outsourcing is a common practice among businesses. It involves contracting external service providers to manage various IT needs, such as: data security, software development, data center operations, and network management. Companies hire external IT experts or firms to handle these tasks, often remotely or offshore. IT outsourcing is important for maintaining an efficient and secure IT infrastructure, especially for businesses without in-house IT expertise. Advantages include: cost savings, access to highly qualified IT professionals, 24/7 support, and quick project implementation. However, potential disadvantages may include data security concerns, communication challenges (e.g., language barriers), time-zone differences, and potential loss of control. An example of IT outsourcing is: a software company in the US that hires offshore developers from Ukraine to create a new mobile app.

When it comes to finding remote IT professionals, you have several reliable options. Some examples of companies to consider for remote IT professionals include:, BairesDev, Upwork, N-iX, and FullStack Labs.

2. Nearshoring

Nearshoring is a type of outsourcing in which a company outsources to a nearby country, typically within the same continent, to leverage cost savings and reduce language and cultural barriers. Businesses partner with service providers in neighboring countries for various services. Nearshoring is important for accessing cost-effective talent without the complexities of offshore management. Advantages include: reduced language barriers, similar time zones, lower operational costs, and cultural alignment. Disadvantages may include: some communication challenges and cost differences between countries. An example is a US company outsourcing customer support to a service center in Mexico.

To learn more, see our article on Nearshoring.

3. Business Process Outsourcing

BPO involves contracting external companies to handle non-core business processes, such as: HR, finance, and customer service. Service providers manage specific business functions, allowing companies to focus on core competencies. BPO improves operational efficiency and reduces costs while maintaining high-quality services. Advantages of BPO include time and cost savings and expert assistance, while disadvantages include a loss of in-house control and potential language barriers. An example might be an e-commerce business outsourcing customer service and order processing to a BPO firm.

4. Reshoring

Reshoring is the act of bringing previously outsourced functions or manufacturing processes back to the home country. For instance, a clothing brand brings back its manufacturing from Asia to the United States to support local jobs. Companies relocate operations to reduce dependence on foreign suppliers and enhance local manufacturing. Reshoring is important for supporting domestic employment and reducing supply-chain risks. Advantages include: improved quality control, potential domestic job creation, and better supply-chain management. Disadvantages may include: initial setup costs, higher labor costs, reduced access to specialized skills, and possible resistance to change. 

To learn more, see our article on Reshoring.

5. Onshoring

Onshoring, similar to reshoring, involves moving operations to a nearby location within the same country. Businesses shift operations to areas with a lower cost of living while maintaining proximity. An example is an Australian company moving its customer-support operations from Sydney to a less expensive city within Australia. Onshoring balances cost considerations with maintaining some geographic proximity; keeping operations within the same legal and cultural framework. Advantages include: cost savings, proximity to the home market, and better supply-chain control. Disadvantages may include: potential disparities in labor costs and regulatory differences within the country. 

To learn more, see our article on Onshoring.

6. Manufacturing Outsourcing

Manufacturing outsourcing is the practice of contracting third-party manufacturers, often offshore, to produce parts or entire products. Companies partner with overseas manufacturers to reduce production costs. An example is an electronics company having its circuit boards produced by a specialized manufacturer in Taiwan. This type of outsourcing reduces costs and provides access to skilled labor, raw materials, and advanced production techniques. Advantages include: cost savings, scalability, access to advanced technology, access to materials, and focus on core competencies. Disadvantages may include: quality-control concerns, supply-chain risks, and potential loss of proprietary information. 

7. Project Outsourcing

Project outsourcing involves delegating specific projects or tasks to external experts (freelancers) or firms for a defined duration. Companies contract external experts or teams to handle project-based work. Project outsourcing allows companies to access expertise for one-time or specialized tasks. Advantages include: specialized expertise, flexibility, and quick turnaround. Disadvantages may include: less control, potential communication challenges, and project management complexities. An example is an advertising agency outsourcing a web design project to a freelance design team.

8. Multisourcing

Multisourcing is the practice of using multiple outsourcing providers to manage various business functions to achieve business goals. Companies distribute their outsourcing needs across various service providers. Multisourcing spreads risk, promotes competition, and taps into diverse expertise. Advantages include: risk diversification, competitive pricing, and access to specialized skills. Disadvantages may include: coordination challenges, complex vendor management, and potential conflicts among providers. An example is an e-commerce company outsourcing web development to one provider, customer service to another, and logistics to a third.

9. Operational Outsourcing

Operational outsourcing involves delegating daily operational functions, such as facility management or supply-chain logistics, to external partners. Service providers handle routine operational tasks to optimize efficiency. Operational outsourcing is often seen in the manufacturing industry for services like equipment repair, but it's also applicable to service companies for functions such as landscaping and delivery. An example of operational outsourcing is a hotel chain outsourcing housekeeping services to a third-party cleaning company.

Operational outsourcing allows companies to concentrate on their core activities. Advantages include: a focus on core functions, cost savings, and streamlined operations. Disadvantages may include: dependency on providers, and potential loss of control over daily operations. 

10. Professional Outsourcing

Professional outsourcing involves contracting specialized services like: legal, accounting, purchasing, and administrative tasks to external providers. Companies hire experts for specific functions instead of maintaining in-house professionals. Professional outsourcing reduces costs and provides access to a broader talent pool. An example could be a law firm outsourcing its administrative tasks, legal writing and research, and marketing tasks  to agencies that can manage them and reduce operational costs.

Advantages include: cost savings, reduced overhead costs, and global talent access. Disadvantages may include: a lack of exclusivity and potential job loss for contract workers. 

11. Process-Specific Outsourcing

Process-specific outsourcing involves the delegation of particular processes or segments of an operation to external service providers. This includes specialized tasks, such as: recruitment, legal work, or knowledge processes. Companies outsource specific processes to experts in those areas. An example is a healthcare facility outsourcing medical billing and coding to a specialized third-party company or a multinational corporation outsourcing its HR recruitment process to a specialized recruitment outsourcing provider to streamline hiring processes.

Process-specific outsourcing streamlines and optimizes individual tasks. Advantages include: enhanced efficiency in specific areas, access to specialized expertise, and cost savings. Disadvantages may include: potential loss of control in the outsourced segment and integration challenges. 

12. Offshoring

Offshoring is the practice of outsourcing business functions or processes to foreign countries, typically to take advantage of lower labor costs. Companies collaborate with offshore providers for cost-effective solutions and global access to talent. Offshoring is essential for gaining access to international markets, cost savings, and expertise. For example, a software company based in the United States outsources its customer-support services to a call center in India to provide 24/7 support and cost savings.

Advantages include: significant cost savings, access to a diverse global talent pool, and scalability, but it may lead to time-zone differences, language barriers, and potential cultural differences. 

To learn more, see our article on Offshoring.

What Is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is a business practice in which a company or organization delegates certain functions, tasks, or processes to external service providers or third-party vendors rather than handling them in-house. This approach is typically employed to achieve various objectives, including: cost reduction, access to specialized skills and expertise, increased efficiency, and the ability to focus on core business functions.

The outsourced tasks or services can range from information technology (IT) support and customer service to manufacturing, human resources, and financial processes. Outsourcing allows companies to tap into a global network of resources and talent, often leading to cost savings and improved operational effectiveness.

Outsourcing arrangements can vary in scope, from short-term project-based partnerships to long-term, comprehensive agreements that involve ongoing management of specific business functions. The decision to outsource is driven by factors such as: cost considerations, the need for specialized capabilities, and the desire to streamline operations, all to enhance competitiveness and efficiency in the modern business environment.

Why Use Outsourcing?

Companies use outsourcing for several key reasons. First, it can significantly reduce costs, making it an attractive option for businesses seeking to streamline operations and achieve cost savings. Second, outsourcing offers access to specialized skills and expertise that may not be available in-house. It allows businesses to focus on their core competencies, enhancing efficiency and productivity. Additionally, outsourcing provides scalability, offering flexibility in adapting to changing market conditions. Moreover, it grants access to a global talent pool, diversifying the available skill sets.

Furthermore, outsourcing offers strategic flexibility, enabling companies to quickly adjust their arrangements in response to changing business needs or market dynamics. It contributes to risk mitigation by sharing responsibilities with outsourcing partners, who often excel in their specific areas. Lastly, outsourcing saves time and resources which can boost overall efficiency.

When To Outsource?

Timing is a critical success factor in business, whether you're launching a product, executing a marketing campaign, or presenting your business plans. The same principle applies to outsourcing—choosing the right time to outsource can have a significant impact on maximizing efficiency and profitability. A company may want to outsource when it wants to do the following: focus on core activities, enhance business continuity, implement new projects or ideas, extend business operating hours, and facilitate business expansion.

Is Outsourcing Suitable for All Companies?

No, outsourcing is not suitable or viable for all companies. Outsourcing is generally suitable for companies seeking cost savings, specialized skills, or increased efficiency. However, it may not be suitable for companies with highly sensitive data, complex in-house processes, or a strong preference for in-house control. The decision to outsource should be based on a thorough evaluation of the company's unique situation and strategic objectives.

What To Consider When Choosing the Right Type of Outsourcing for Your Business?

When selecting the right type of outsourcing for your business, several factors should be considered such as:

  1. Business Objectives: Determine what you aim to achieve through outsourcing, whether it's cost reduction, access to specific skills, or scalability.
  2. Core Competencies: Assess your company's core competencies and identify non-core functions or processes that can be outsourced without impacting your core operations negatively.
  3. Services Offered: Confirm that the outsourcing company can provide the services or products your business needs. Additionally, assess the compatibility and integration of its services with your existing systems. 
  4. Reputation: Invest time in researching and gathering information about the outsourcing company's reputation. Reading reviews and conversing with other businesses that have partnered with the company will offer valuable insights into its reliability and suitability as a business partner. Delve into its track record within your specific industry to assess its understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities associated with your field.
  5. Budget and Cost Considerations: Evaluate your budget and financial resources to ensure that the chosen outsourcing model aligns with your cost-saving goals. Compare the costs of outsourcing to in-house operations.
  6. Risk Assessment: Consider the level of risk associated with outsourcing, particularly in terms of data security, quality control, and potential disruptions to business operations.
  7. Quality and Service Level: Determine the desired quality standards and service levels for the outsourced functions. Choose outsourcing partners with a proven track record of meeting or exceeding these standards.
  8. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the chosen type of outsourcing complies with relevant laws and regulations in your industry and location.
  9. Cultural Compatibility: Assess the cultural fit between your company and the outsourcing provider, especially when considering offshoring or nearshoring options.
  10. Communication and Collaboration: Evaluate the ease of communication and collaboration with the outsourcing partner, as effective communication is vital for successful outsourcing.
  11. Scalability and Flexibility: Determine whether the outsourcing model allows for scalability to accommodate future growth and changes in business needs.
  12. Time Zone and Location: Consider the time zone and location of the outsourcing provider, especially when dealing with global outsourcing, as this can impact communication and workflow.
  13. Data Security and Privacy: Ensure that the outsourcing partner has robust data security measures in place to protect sensitive information.
  14. Performance Metrics and Reporting: Establish clear performance metrics and reporting mechanisms to track the effectiveness and progress of the outsourcing arrangement.
  15. Contract Terms: Before finalizing an outsourcing agreement, meticulously review the contract terms. Ensure you comprehend the expectations of both parties and that there are no concealed fees or clauses that could pose future challenges. A well-structured contract should safeguard the interests of both parties and establish clear expectations from the outset.
  16. Exit Strategy: Develop an exit strategy that outlines the process for terminating or transitioning the outsourcing arrangement if necessary.

What Type of Outsourcing Is For a Project?

The type of outsourcing suitable for a project is "Project Outsourcing." Project outsourcing involves commissioning an external company for a specific project, whether it's already in progress or needs to be developed from scratch. This approach is cost-effective, as you pay for the project's completion rather than hiring a full-time or in-house employee. You benefit from the expertise and quality that specialized professionals provide, ensuring a quicker turnaround and high-quality results. However, it's essential to manage the remote workers' time and tasks effectively. Project outsourcing is a practical choice for businesses that need assistance with specific projects without the long-term commitment of hiring additional staff.

What Type of Outsourcing is for a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant typically falls under the category of "Professional Outsourcing." Professional outsourcing involves hiring specialized, professional services, which can include tasks like administrative support, customer service, scheduling, data entry, and more. Virtual assistants provide various administrative and support services remotely. This makes them a practical and popular choice for businesses seeking to outsource administrative tasks and focus on core business activities. Professional outsourcing allows for cost savings, reduced overhead costs, global access to talent, and flexibility in handling employment. It's especially suitable for businesses looking to streamline administrative tasks efficiently without the commitment of hiring in-house personnel.

What Type of Outsourcing Is for Medical Experts?

Outsourcing for medical experts is a form of "Business Process Outsourcing for Healthcare" (Healthcare BPO). Medical professionals or healthcare organizations delegate specific healthcare-related processes to independent companies or third-party vendors with expertise in healthcare operations. These outsourced processes can encompass a wide range of activities, including: medical coding, medical billing, data entry, medical transcription, IT functions, supply-chain management, finance and accounting, HR and personnel management, and customer relationship management (CRM).

The benefits of healthcare BPO for medical experts include: scalable operations, reduced billing errors, cost savings, compliance with healthcare regulations (such as HIPAA), diverse communication channels for patient interaction, improved revenue collection, and increased focus on patient care and service.

What Type of Outsourcing Is for Manufacturing Companies?

Manufacturing companies typically engage in "Manufacturing Outsourcing." This form of outsourcing involves contracting with external parties, often located in different geographic regions, to handle various aspects of the manufacturing process. Manufacturing outsourcing can include the production of components, subassemblies, or even entire products, depending on the specific needs of the manufacturing company.

By outsourcing certain manufacturing tasks, companies can take advantage of cost savings, specialized expertise, and increased production capacity. This approach allows them to focus on core activities such as: product design, quality control, and marketing, while third-party manufacturers handle the production of parts or products. 


This article presented the types of outsourcing, explained each of them, and discussed when to outsource. To learn more about the types of outsourcing, contact a Xometry representative.

Xometry provides a wide range of manufacturing capabilities and other value-added services for all of your prototyping and production needs. Visit our website to learn more or to request a free, no-obligation quote.


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