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3D Printed Food: How Does It Taste and Work?

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 11 min read
Published May 15, 2024

Learn more about this niche use of 3D printing technology.

3D printing food concept. Image Credit: Zinovieva

3D-printed food, which combines technology with culinary art, has emerged as a groundbreaking innovation in the food industry. This technology not only paves the way for creating intricate and imaginative meal designs but also holds the potential to address issues such as food scarcity and waste reduction. This piece explores what 3D printed food is, and will discuss its taste, functionality, advantages, and disadvantages, as well as its materials, examples, and the types of 3D printing utilized.

What Is 3D Printed Food? 

3D-printed food refers to edible items created using 3D printing technology. By applying the principles of additive manufacturing, food ingredients are layered to produce shapes and structures that might be challenging to achieve with traditional cooking methods. Additionally, 3D-printed food enables personalized nutrition and efficient use of ingredients.

What Was the First 3D-Printed Food?

The first 3D-printed foods were:

  1. Chocolate: Chocolate needs to be kept in a liquid form. It cools quickly after extrusion, making it an ideal food for 3D printing.
  2. Cheese: Like chocolate, cheese must be held in its molten form prior to extrusion. It also tends to cool relatively quickly. 
  3. Cookie Dough: Cookie dough is a paste that can be easily extruded into the required shape. However, the cookie must be baked in an oven after printing before it can be consumed.

Who Was the First To Use 3D Printing in Food?

3D printing of food was first used by the hobbyist 3D printing movement. A team at Cornell University’s Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department developed the Fab@Home 3D printer in 2006. This was one of the first open-source 3D printers. The Fab@Home 3D printer was a multi-material machine that used precisely controlled syringes to deposit material. It was able to print chocolate, cookie dough, and cheese. 

How Does 3D Printed Food Work? 

3D printing works similarly to fused deposition modeling (FDM), a type of 3D printing in which plastic is melted and extruded onto a build tray to produce parts layer by layer. Other additive manufacturing technologies are also compatible with the 3D printing of food. The steps to 3D printing food using the principles of FDM are described below:

  1. Create a Digital Design: As with 3D printing, a part made of metal or plastic, 3D printing food starts with CAD design. The desired shape and texture of the food product are modeled in CAD and saved in a format compatible with the 3D printer software.
  2. Prepare the Printer: Ensure the 3D printer is equipped and set up to handle edible materials. This includes loading the food-grade materials (such as purees, doughs, or pastes) into the printer.
  3. Send Design to Printer: Transfer the CAD design to the 3D printer. This can be done via a direct connection from a computer, portable storage device, or through a network, to a 3D printer.
  4. Adjust Printer Settings: Before starting the print, adjust the printer's settings to control parameters like temperature and the speed at which the material is extruded.
  5. Print the Food Item: Start the printing process. The printer will extrude the edible materials layer by layer, following the contours and dimensions specified in the digital design. As the product prints, monitor print quality and make necessary adjustments to the settings to achieve desired results.
  6. Cooking and Final Touches (if Required): Depending on the food item, some level of cooking or setting might be required after printing. This can involve baking, steaming, or chilling the item to achieve the final texture and readiness for consumption. Additionally, final touches such as: glazing, garnishing, or assembly with other components of the dish may be required.
  7. Serve and Enjoy: The 3D-printed food is now ready to be served and enjoyed.

What Materials Are Used in 3D Printed Food?

Materials used in 3D-printed food are extruded through a printer nozzle and are often prepared by blending or processing traditional food items into a consistency suitable for printing. The different materials used in 3D-printed food are listed below:

  1. Purees: Purees like: mashed potatoes or beans, hummus, and applesauce can be 3D printed. These items are extruded through a nozzle onto a build platform to create the desired shape.
  2. Doughs: Correctly balancing dough ingredients is essential to ensure optimal consistency during printing.
  3. Pastes: Pastes like: butter, icing, tomato paste, and bean paste can be 3D printed via extrusion processes.
  4. Cultured Meats: Both meat and fat cells can be 3D printed to create food items that appear and taste like meat without the ramifications of processing real meat.
  5. Chocolate: Chocolate is an easy item to 3D print. Chocolate is melted and extruded hot onto the build platform. After printing, enough time must elapse for it to cool and harden.
  6. Cheese: Cheese is 3D printed similarly to chocolate. It is melted, extruded, and then allowed to cool and harden.

What Are Examples of 3D Printed Food?

Among the first food items to be 3D printed were candies, chocolates, and other sweets. Over time, 3D printing expanded to other food items. Examples of 3D-printed foods include: intricate chocolate sculptures, personalized pasta shapes and pizzas, and meat substitutes designed to mimic the texture and flavor of animal-based proteins. Restaurants and chefs have also used 3D printing to create unique dishes that offer a new level of visual appeal and customization.

What Does 3D Printed Food Taste Like?

The taste of 3D-printed food largely depends on the ingredients used. Since the raw materials are traditional food items, the taste can be comparable to non-printed versions, with the primary difference being in texture and presentation.

Is It Safe To Eat 3D Printed Food?

Yes, 3D-printed food is safe to eat so long as the ingredients are handled and processed hygienically, and the printer components are food-safe. Regulatory agencies in various countries are beginning to set guidelines to ensure the safety of 3D-printed food items.

What Is the Advantage of 3D Printed Food?

There are many advantages of 3D printed food—from being quicker and easier than traditional food-preparation methods, to being a more-healthy option, to less food waste. The advantages of 3D-printed food are listed and described below:

1. Aids in Creating Elaborate and Imaginative Meal Designs 

3D printing food allows chefs and food creators to unleash their creativity and introduce visually stunning and intricate designs that captivate diners. This improves the dining experience by offering unique and personalized presentations that would be difficult to achieve through traditional methods.

2. Waste Reduction Achieved by Using Ingredients Effectively 

By utilizing precise amounts of ingredients, 3D printing minimizes food waste. This efficiency not only reduces costs for businesses but also contributes to environmental sustainability by conserving resources and minimizing landfill waste.

3. Improved Structure and Texture Consistency 

Consistency in structure and texture is important, especially in commercial food production in which uniformity is key to customer satisfaction. 3D printing ensures that each food item meets the desired specifications consistently.

4. Possibility of Mitigating Food Scarcity 

With the ability to utilize alternative ingredients such as plant-based proteins, 3D-printed food offers a promising solution to food scarcity. 3D printing has the potential to address global food shortages and reduce dependence on traditional farming practices.

5. Substitutes for Particular Dietary Requirements or Limitations 

Customizable food options cater to individuals with specific dietary needs or restrictions, such as gluten-free or vegan diets. This inclusivity not only enhances accessibility to nutritious meals but also empowers individuals to make healthier choices that align with their dietary preferences or requirements.

6. Participation in Initiatives for Sustainability 

3D printing food in-house supports broader sustainability initiatives by reducing food-transport requirements and lessening the need for resource-intensive ingredients. 3D printing food aligns with the growing demand for environmentally conscious practices within the food industry.

7. Inventive Presentation of Food 

The visual aspect of dining is as important as taste, especially in high-end dining experiences. 3D-printed food allows for innovative and captivating presentations that engage diners on a sensory level, elevating the overall dining experience and fostering appreciation for culinary artistry.

What Is the Disadvantage of 3D Printed Food?

Despite its many advantages, 3D printing food also has its disadvantages. The disadvantages of 3D-printed food are listed below:

  1. Limited Speed and Scale of Production: The current speed and scale of 3D-printed food production may not meet the demands of all types of food-service environments, which may limit its practical application in high-volume settings.
  2. High Initial Cost: The initial investment required for acquiring 3D food printers can incur high initial costs. For smaller businesses or individuals, this may be a barrier to adoption. Additionally, ongoing maintenance costs may further contribute to the overall expense.
  3. Specialized Training Requirement: Operating 3D food printers effectively requires users to have specialized training and expertise. This could lead to challenges in finding personnel capable of managing the equipment and optimizing production processes.
  4. Limited Material Options: While a variety of edible materials can be used in 3D printing, the range may still be limited compared to the materials and ingredients associated with traditional cooking methods. This limitation could restrict the diversity of dishes that can be created using this technology.
  5. Regulatory and Safety Concerns: There are regulatory and safety concerns regarding the use of 3D-printed food, particularly as it relates to the sourcing and handling of ingredients. Additionally, hygiene and sanitation of the printing process may be called into question.
  6. Perception and Acceptance: Despite its potential benefits, 3D-printed food may face challenges in gaining widespread consumer acceptance due to perceptions about food quality, authenticity, and the role of technology in food preparation. Overcoming these perceptions could require significant marketing and education efforts. Additionally, cultural 3D-printed food may negatively impact traditional culinary practices and cultural food heritage which could lead to concerns about the loss of culinary diversity and authenticity.

What Type of 3D Printing Is Used for 3D Printed Food?

The most common type used for 3D-printed food is fused deposition modeling (FDM), in which material is extruded through a nozzle to build food items layer by layer. Other types of 3D printing used for food include selective laser sintering (SLS) for binding powdery ingredients with a laser and binder jetting for combining powdered materials with a liquid binder.

To learn more, see our full guide on 3D Printing Technologies.

How Long Does It Take To Print 3D Food?

3D printing of foods is significantly quicker compared to printing methods for non-food materials. This faster pace is primarily due to the thicker layers that can be printed due to the highly viscous nature of the ingredients. In addition, there is no real need for the geometric accuracy common with engineering applications. Completing one 3D printed food item can take from 7 to 45 minutes, depending on the complexity of the product design. Post-print cooking can significantly extend the total production time. 

What Are the Different Applications of 3D Printing Aside from 3D Printing Food?

Since the start of the 21st century, 3D printing has emerged as a viable alternative to traditional manufacturing methods and as a solution to fabricating parts whenever traditional methods are limited. It's also pivotal in prototyping across industries, enabling rapid iteration and testing of new designs. Beyond food, 3D printing has diverse applications, including the creation of: medical implants, aerospace components, automotive parts, machine and hardware components, and custom fashion items. 

To learn more, see our full guide on the Different Applications of 3D Printing.


This article reviewed the use of 3D printing technology in the food industry. To learn more about the 3D printing of food and how it can be applied successfully to your projects, contact a Xometry representative.

Xometry provides a wide range of manufacturing capabilities including 3D printing and value-added services for all of your prototyping and production needs. Visit our website to learn more or to request a free, no-obligation quote.


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